
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Where do you stand on Immigration?


A. I believe that every person entering American, The United States of America, should honor the laws of the People of this nation as is required of every American citizen, and law breakers are subject to fines, imprisonment or if illegal in our land deportation, and if a law is deemed by the justice to be improper, we the people of this nation have the tools to make the necessary changes in the laws. The laws serve as guidelines and allow citizens to know what they can or cannot do, and laws to be affective must be enforced by the governed, protecting the lives and property of the People of our nation.


Q: Where do you stand on Gay Marriage?


A. Sexual acts, between the same sex is forbidden in the Holy Scriptures, and I agree with the Holy Scriptures.


Q; Where do you stand concerning foreign intervention in conflicts around the World?


A. We have many concerns at home that I believe out weigh our involvement in the affairs of other entities, especially when the group or entity is a lawless body, I do not believe in isolationism, for we are an integral part of the World and we must all work together in harmony for the benefit of all people of the World. Many of the uprisings around the world are because many have a feeling of being left out, we can and must work together to address the needs of all people of the earth, starting at home first, The United States of America.

Q: Where do you stand concerning the ISIS?


A. The ISIS draw fuel from the unrest of individuals around the world, and as we in the world community begin to address the real needs of the people around the world, the ISIS will lose the power to draw support from those individuals. Also those responsible for committing harm to innocent victims must be brought to trial. Militarily, I believe that we need the support of ground forces capable of overcoming the present opposition, using air support to protect and soften the battlefield, as I believe that any engagement of our U.S. Military should be without a doubt to win with the least amount of casualties.


Q: What about the Homeless in our Nation?


A. There are many reason why many are homeless, and many unique circumstances which seem to all result in one or many being homeless, a delicate situation requiring attention. Job loss, illness, divorces, injuries, unaffordable housing to many, wage deficiencies, some without finance managing experience. I spoke to a business owner in Long Beach California the other day and he suggested apprenticeship training. We do need job training programs to assist and prepare many for the available jobs, and we need the corporation of employers to hire those being prepared, for we all benefit when America goes back to work.


Q. What other plans to you have for our nation if elected to be President?


A. Affordable Housing is needed because the income of many fall well below the average cost of housing, I support investing in more affordable housing communities, similar to Leisure World in Southern California, aware that in some places multifamily dwellings will be necessary especially in very populous areas of our nation like Los Angeles, CA, New York City, and Chicago. Illinois, Saint Louis, Missouri, Detroit, Michigan, Houston, Texas, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and the list goes on, we need to encourage investment in affordable housing.


A. Affordable Healthcare is also needed, providing affordable care for those with low incomes. I am hoping for the Healthcare providers to consider volunteering services for those unable to afford the high cost of services. Tax break incentives to encourage involvement.