Righteousness Exalteth a Nation: But sin is a Reproach to any People.
Proverbs 14:34


...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.  Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863



Christopher Columbus  Declaration of Independence  Freedom  God Bless America

As our nation has turned from belief in God and the writings in the Holy Scriptures, we are experiencing many of the problems of other nations in the past that rejected God. I am a Sunday School Superintendent at a church in Watts, Los Angeles, CA, and I can see the difference in the behavior of those who sincerely attend and learn the right application of the Holy Scriptures to one's life and those who casually attend Sunday School, or not at all. Bad behavior must be learned just like good behavior: But there is a difference in the end results. Some of our former Presidents spent much time in studying the Holy Scriptures.

While the people of the United States of America are experiencing violence across our land, even murder of law officers, illegal drug traffic, there is only so much that the American people, the American taxpayer can afford. Certainly we understand the human aspect of fleeing the problems in South and Central America; BUT, ALSO THERE IS A RESPONSIBILITY THAT FALLS ON THE GOVERNMENT OF THOSE NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES, begin to accept the responsibilities of governing a people, show the American people that we can support our own people in these troubled countries, and with some assistance from the people of the United States of America.

I have shared much in my preceding website of my great love for God and our nation, "The United States of America", and I am very aware of the responsibility that goes along with serving the people of this great land: But to insure that the path taken by our founding Fathers is not abandoned, I have in many instances referred to their quotations and writings, and if elected President, will honor their beliefs. On subsequent pages I will make references to my beliefs by including pages from my previous website.

In any endeavor, to ensure that the proper path is followed fully, one must take the most earnest heed to instructions, and I have chosen the Holy Scriptures as my guide, I prefer the King James Version.

I am very aware of the plight of many in and across our nation, the Homeless, Jobless, Veteran needs, the economy, the World community, Immigration issues, fair business practices conducive to business growth in our nation, and many other concerns: But together, we the People of the United States of America can go forward and prosper.

Willie Felix Carter
Candidate for President
United States of America 2024